Connie and Arnold Friend
The main character, Connie, is an ordinary teenager who lives in an ordinary American family. She has conflicts with her family because she thinks that her mother is old-fashioned and can't understand her and it seems to her that everybody loves her elder sister but not her. Connie thinks a lot about her appearance, spends a lot of time before the mirror and likes when boys notice her beauty. Realizing that she becomes elder she tries to experience new and new emotions and situations, to explore a world of an adult life.
Arnold Friend turns out to be an absolute opposition to Connie, a man from another world. With his appearance Connie's life changes absolutely. He is described like a man about 30, well-dressed, wearing fashion sunglasses. His appearance and his car attract girl for the first time but when she speaks with him further she noticing that he is not the man he tries to be or to seem. He is like a bad side of Connie's soul which wants to experience something forbidden and inappropriate.
Hello, Julia
ОтветитьУдалитьI like your presentation of the characters of the story. They really are presented with the help of contrast and that makes their differences even more evident.
Thank you very much, Good luck)))
Hello, Ann)
УдалитьI'm absolutely agree with your idea of characters' contrast.
Thank you for reading my blog))
Hi, Julia!
ОтветитьУдалитьI would like to comment upon your post about characters' presentation in the story.
I like the way you contrasted Connie to Arnold, you have even chosen pink colour of the text for Connie (girl) and blue for Arnold (boy). Well, it is my lyrical digression, never mind.
My question is: have you ever noticed that if we take out the letter "r" in Arnold's name and surname, we will get "Anold Fiend" which may be viewed as "an old fiend" (an old devil)? How can you comment upon this? Does it have any connection to the story or is it just the coincidence?
Hi, Kate)
УдалитьThank you a lot for your comment and for your question. As always you make me think about very interesting and intriguing symbols. Actually it is you who showed such a possibility of changing the name of the main character. I think that Arnold Friend is a symbol of "an old fiend" whom we meet at least once in our life and who forces us to make some important decisions.