The Plot of The Story
The events of this story run in very intriguing and unpredictable way. The main character is Connie, she is 15 and she lives with her parents and her sister. The actions take place in summer and that's why the girl spends a lot of time with her best friend visiting different cinemas and meeting with boys.
One night when she had a dinner with her friend Eddie, a strange man noticed Connie and nodded to her but she didn't pay much attention to it until one Sunday she saw that stranger appeared at her doorstep accompanied by a friend in a gold car.
The man introduced himself Arnold Friend and he was trying to invite Connie for a little ride in his cool car. The girl wanted to get rid of a gate-crasher but at the same time he started threatening her in making some harm to her family is she would refuse. Making an attempt to call a police without any results, Connie resigned and went out.
Hello again!
ОтветитьУдалитьI like the way you presented the plot in few sentences. Now I don't need to reread the whole story to recall the key points, I may just read your plot presentation. Actually, for me it's too hard to read this story one more time on the psychological level. This story leaves some aftertaste of desparation, fear and ambiguity.
I want to hear your point of view on the end of the story (spoiler!). There is a line: "She felt her breath start jerking back and forth in her lungs as if it were something Arnold Friend was stabbing her with again and again with no tenderness". To me it is not quite clear what happened to Connie. Well, the Oxford Dictionary tells that the word "to stab" means "to thrust a knife or other pointed weapon into someone so as to wound or kill". Was Connie murdered by Arnold? But on the next scene Arnold is again behind the door and Connie is sitting on the floor.
Was she raped by Arnold? He promised her to come in if she picks up the phone. Did he really enter or is it just Connie's imagination? What is your opinion, Julia?
Hello! I like your introduction of the plot of the story. It is very laconic and simple to understand.